
Black Eye Galaxy

Optics/mount : 12″ACF 2.7m AP-Reduzer Alt-5 Camera/filters: Atik 11002 Astrodon LRGB Exposure: 10×600 Lum, 5×600 RGB all 1bin 02 March 2012 The Black Eye Galaxy (also called Sleeping Beauty Galaxy; designated Messier 64, M64, or NGC 4826) was discovered by Edward Pigott in March 1779, and independently by Johann Elert […]

Galaxies, Gallery

NGC 891

Optics/mount : 12″ACF 2.7m AP-Reduzer Alt-5 Camera/filters: Atik 11002 Astrodon LRGB HA5nm Exposure: 4*12×600 Lum,RGB all 1bin NGC 891 (also known as Caldwell 23) is an edge-on unbarred spiral galaxy about 30 million light-years away in the constellation Andromeda. It was discovered by William Herschel on October 6 1784. The […]

Galaxies, Gallery

M33 Triangulum Galaxy

  Optics/mount: 180 Epsilon f2,8 Takahashi Mount CI700 Clestron Camera/filters:QHY 12 exposure: 20×600 sec The Triangulum Galaxy is a spiral galaxy approximately 3 million light years (ly) from Earth in the constellation Triangulum. It is catalogued as Messier 33 or NGC 598, and is sometimes informally referred to as the […]

Galaxies, Gallery

M51 Whirlpool Galaxy

The Whirlpool Galaxy (also known as Messier 51a, M51a, or NGC 5194) is an interacting grand-design spiral galaxy that is estimated to be 23 ± 4 million light-years from the Milky Way Galaxy. in the constellation Canes Venatici. It is one of the most famous galaxies in the sky. The […]

Galaxies, Gallery


Optics/mount : 12″ACF 2.7m AP-Reduzer Alt-5 Camera/filters: Atik 11002 Astrodon LRGB HA5nm Exposure: 12×900 Lum, 6×900 RGB all 1bin This pair of galaxies often goes by the nickname of the “Cocoon Galaxy.” Each “blob” is actually a spiral galaxy that has been distorted by the other. Hints of spiral structure […]

Galaxies, Gallery

NGC4631 The Whale

Optics/mount : 12″ACF 2.7m AP-Reduzer Alt-5 Camera/filters: Atik 11002 Astrodon LRGB HA5nm Exposure: 12×600 Lum, 6×600 RGB all 1bin NGC 4631 (also known as the Whale Galaxy or Caldwell 32) is an edge-on spiral galaxy in the constellation Canes Venatici. This galaxy’s slightly distorted wedge shape gives it the appearance […]


M66 and M65 Galaxies

Messier 66 (also known as NGC 3627) is an intermediate spiral galaxy about 36 million light-years away in the constellation Leo. It was discovered by Charles Messier in 1780. M66 is about 95 thousand light-years across[3] with striking dust lanes and bright star clusters along sweeping spiral arms.[4] M66 is […]


NGC 3628 Galaxy

NGC 3628, also known as Sarah’s Galaxy, is an unbarred spiral galaxy about 35 million light-years away in the constellation Leo. It was discovered by William Herschel in 1784. It has an approximately 300,000 light-years long tidal tail. NGC 3628 along with M65 and M66 form the famous Leo Triplet, […]

Galaxies, Gallery

NGC2903 in the Leo

Optics/mount : 12″ACF 2.7m AP-Reduzer Alt-5 Camera/filters: Atik 11002 Astrodon LRGB Exposure: 20×600 Lum, 6×600 RGB all 1bin 21 Feb 2012 NGC 2903 is a barred spiral galaxy about 30 million light-years away in the constellation Leo. It was discovered by William Herschel who cataloged it on November 16, 1784 […]