Optik / Mount: 12 “ACF 2,7 m AP-Reduzer Alt-5 Kamera / Filter: Atik 11002 Astrodon L, RGB ca. 5 Stunden Datum 12 April 2020 NGC 3628, also called the Hambuger Galaxy because of its similarity to the famous sandwich, is a huge spiral galaxy seen from the disk and in […]
Tag: Atik 11002
Hickson 44
Optik / Mount: 12 “ACF 2,7 m AP-Reduzer Alt-5 Kamera / Filter: Atik 11002 Astrodon L, RGB ca. 5 Stunden Datum 31. März 2020 About 60 million light-years away in the constellation Leo is this magnificent group of galaxies, number 44 in a catalog of 100 such clusters compiled by […]
Optics/mount : 12″ACF 2.7m AP-Reduzer Alt-5Camera/filters: Atik 11002 Astrodon L, RGB about 10hDate 28 march 2020 Messier 96 (also known as M96 or NGC 3368) is an intermediate spiral galaxy about 31 million light-years away in the constellation Leo (the Lion). It was discovered by French astronomer Pierre Méchain on […]
NGC4565 Needle Galaxy
Optics/mount : 12″ACF 2.7m AP-Reduzer Alt-5Camera/filters: Atik 11002 Astrodon L, RGBExposure: 12 h with 5min subs all 1 binDate 20 march 2020 GC 4565 (also known as the Needle Galaxy or Caldwell 38) is an edge-on spiral galaxy about 30 to 50 million light-years away in the constellationComa Berenices. It […]
Optics/mount : 12″ACF 2.7m AP-Reduzer Alt-5 Camera/filters: Atik 11002 Astrodon L, RGB Exposure: 10x 10x600sec Date 12 decembre 2016 M78 (or NGC 2068) is a reflection nebula located in Orion and discovered in 1780 by Pierre Méchain. It is the brightest diffuse nebula of a group of nebulae that includes […]
Jellyfish Nebula
Here is the starless version. Optics/mount : 12″ACF 2.7m AP-Reduzer Alt-5 Camera/filters: Atik 11002 Astrodon Ha,OIII,SII Exposure: 3x 15×300 all 2bin Date 23 february 2020 IC 443 (also known as the Jellyfish Nebula and Sharpless 248 (Sh2-248)) is a galactic supernova remnant (SNR) in the constellation Gemini. On the […]
Rosette Nebula Bicolor
Optics/mount : 12″ACF 2.7m AP-Reduzer Alt-5 Camera/filters: Atik 11002 Astrodon Ha,OIII Exposure: 2x 9×300 all 2bin Date 01 january 2020
Whirpool Galaxy
Optics/mount : 12″ACF 2.7m AP-Reduzer Alt-5 Camera/filters: Atik 11002 AstrodonL,R,G,B Exposure:50×300 L and 15×30 RGB all 2bin Date 01/02 June 2019 The Whirlpool Galaxy, also known as Messier 51a, M51a, and NGC 5194, is an interacting grand-design spiral galaxy with a Seyfert 2 active galactic nucleus. It lies in the […]
NGC 4216 in the Virgo Cluster
NGC 4216 is one of the largest and brightest spiral galaxies of the Virgo Cluster, with an absolute magnitude that has been estimated to be −22 (i.e.: brighter than the Andromeda Galaxy), and like most spiral galaxies of this cluster shows a deficiency of neutral hydrogen that’s concentrated […]
NGC3628 Hamburger Galaxy
Optics/mount : 12″ACF 2.7m AP-Reduzer Alt-5 Camera/filters: Atik 11002 AstrodonL,R,G,B Exposure:15×300 L and 15×30 RGB all 2bin Date 04 april 2018 NGC 3628, also known as the Hamburger Galaxy or Mahasin’s Galaxy,is an unbarred spiral galaxy about 35 million light-years away in the constellation Leo. It was discovered by […]