
M8/M20 Widefield

Sony alph6000 70mm zoom f4 30x200sec. The Lagoon Nebula (Messier 8, on the left side ) is a giant interstellar cloud in the constellation Sagittarius. It is classified as an emission nebula and as an H II region. The Trifid Nebula ( Messier 20, on thie right side) is a […]

Gallery, Nebulas

M8 Lagoon Nebula SHO

Optics/mount : 12″ACF 2.7m AP-Reduzer Alt-5 Camera/filters: Atik 11002 AstrodonHa/OIII/SII Exposure:20×600 Ha, 12×600 OIII/SII all 2bin 14 July 2015 The Lagoon Nebula is estimated to be between 4,000-6,000 light years from the Earth. In the sky of Earth, it spans 90′ by 40′, translates to an actual dimension of 110 […]