Gallery, Nebulas

NGC 1333

Optik / Mount: 180 Epsilon f2.8 , Alt-5 TeenAstro Camera / Filter: ZWO ASI 6200 MM Pro Mono Astrodon LRGB 6 hours sub 5/3min LRGB Date 16 November 2020 NGC 1333 is a reflection nebula located in the northern constellation Perseus, positioned next to the southern constellation border with Taurus […]


Spagetti Nebula

Optik / Mount: 180 Epsilon f2.8 , Alt-5 TeenAstroCamera / Filter: ZWO ASI 6200 MM Pro MonoAstrodon Ha 6 hours sub 10min Mosaic of 2 panelsDate 17 November 2020 Simeis 147 (Spagetti Nebula) is a galactic supernova remnant in the constellations of Taurus and Auriga. S147 has an apparent extension […]

Galaxies, Gallery

Andromeda Galaxy

Optik / Mount: 180 Epsilon f2.8 , Alt-5 TeenAstro Camera / Filter: ZWO ASI 6200 MM Pro Mono Astrodon Ha,LRGB 6 hours sub 5/3min LRGB, 5min HA Date 12 November 2020 The Andromeda Galaxy also known as Messier 31, M31, or NGC 224 is a barred spiral galaxy approximately 2.5 […]

Gallery, Nebulas

Elephant’s Trunk Nebula

Optik / Mount: 180 Epsilon f2.8 , Alt-5 TeenAstro Camera / Filter: ZWO ASI 6200 MM Pro Mono Astrodon Ha,OII,SII LRGB 12,6 hours sub 5min LRGB, 10min HA,OIII,SIII Date 17September 2020 The Elephant’s Trunk Nebula is a concentration of interstellar gas and dust within the much larger ionized gas region […]

Gallery, Nebulas

The Shark Nebula

Optik / Mount: 180 Epsilon f2.8 , Alt-5 FS2Camera / Filter: ZWO ASI 6200 MM Pro Mono, Astrodon LRGB ca. 15 hours (sub 300 LRGB all 2bin ) Date 15 September 2020 Complex of an interstellar dust with resemblance to a shark. Complex contains few interesting objects, LDN 1235, VdB […]

Gallery, Nebulas

Heart and Soul nebula

Optik / Mount: 180 Epsilon f2.8 , Alt-5 TeenAstroCamera / Filter: ZWO ASI 6200 MM Pro Mono, Astrodon Ha,OIII ,SII ca. 8 hours (sub 300 Ha,OIII, SII 2bin ) Mosaic of 4 panels Date 5/6 September 2020 IC 1805, nicknamed the Heart Nebula, is an emitting nebula located about 6,500 […]


NGC6888 and Soap Bubble widefield

Optik / Mount: 180 Epsilon f2.8 , Alt-5 FS2Camera / Filter: ZWO ASI 6200 MM Pro Mono, Astrodon Ha,OIII ,RGB ca. 7 hours (sub 300 Ha,OIII, 60sec RGB all 2bin )Date 25 August 2020 Animation Soap Bubble Ha/OIII The Crescent Nebula (also known as NGC 6888) is an emission nebula in […]


Flying Bat Nebula with OU4

Optik / Mount: 180 Epsilon f2.8 , Alt-5 Koch-TeenAstro Camera / Filter: ZWO ASI 6200 MM Pro Mono, Astrodon Ha,OIII ,RGB ca. 5 hours (sub 300/600sec Ha,OIII, 60sec RGB all 2bin )Date 21 August 2020 Sh2-129, also known as the Flying Bat Nebula, is an HII region type emission nebula located […]

Gallery, Nebulas

WR 143

Optik / Mount: 180 Epsilon f2.8 , Alt-5 Koch-FS2 Camera / Filter: ZWO ASI 6200 MM Pro Mono, Astrodon Ha,OIII ,RGB ca. 1,5 hours (sub 300sec Ha,OIII, 60sec RGB all 2bin )Date 18 August 2020 WR 134 is a variable Wolf-Rayet star located around 6,000 light years away from Earth in […]