Optik / Mount: Tak Epsilon 180 f2.8, Alt-5 TeenAstroCamera / Filter: ZWO ASI 6200 MM Pro MonoAstrodon LRGB true colors 4h ( 3min sub)Date 11.10.2023 The Andromeda galaxy belongs to the group of spiral galaxies and, with its diameter of approx. 200,000 light years, is twice as large as the […]
Tag: M31
Andromeda Galaxy
Optik / Mount: 180 Epsilon f2.8 , Alt-5 TeenAstro Camera / Filter: ZWO ASI 6200 MM Pro Mono Astrodon Ha,LRGB 6 hours sub 5/3min LRGB, 5min HA Date 12 November 2020 The Andromeda Galaxy also known as Messier 31, M31, or NGC 224 is a barred spiral galaxy approximately 2.5 […]