Optics/mount: Zeiss 4/16-70 (70mm), Star Adventurer Camera/filters: Sony a6000 Exposure: 60x100sec 9 July 2018 Rho Ophiuchi is a multiple star system in the constellation Ophiuchus. It is a gas and dust nebula in which the Rho Ophiuchi system is integrated. It is one of the easiest star-forming regions to observe, […]
Tag: QHY12
M8/M20 Widefield
Sony alph6000 70mm zoom f4 30x200sec. The Lagoon Nebula (Messier 8, on the left side ) is a giant interstellar cloud in the constellation Sagittarius. It is classified as an emission nebula and as an H II region. The Trifid Nebula ( Messier 20, on thie right side) is a […]
M33 Triangulum Galaxy
Optics/mount: 180 Epsilon f2,8 Takahashi Alt-5 Camera/filters: QHY12 OSC Exposure: 10x600sec 09 january 2018 The Triangulum Galaxy is a spiral galaxy approximately 3 million light-years (ly) from Earth in the constellation Triangulum. It is catalogued as Messier 33 or NGC 598. The Triangulum Galaxy is the third-largest member of the […]
Orion Nebula
Optics/mount: 180 Epsilon f2,8 Takahashi Alt-5 Camera/filters: QHY12 OSC Exposure: 15x600sec 15x40sec 25 december 2017 The Orion Nebula (also known as Messier 42, M42, or NGC 1976) is a diffuse nebula situated in the Milky Way, being south of Orion’s Belt in the constellation of Orion. It is one of […]