Gallery, Nebulas

Heart and Soul nebula

Optik / Mount: 180 Epsilon f2.8 , Alt-5 TeenAstroCamera / Filter: ZWO ASI 6200 MM Pro Mono, Astrodon Ha,OIII ,SII ca. 8 hours (sub 300 Ha,OIII, SII 2bin ) Mosaic of 4 panels Date 5/6 September 2020 IC 1805, nicknamed the Heart Nebula, is an emitting nebula located about 6,500 […]

Gallery, Nebulas

WR 143

Optik / Mount: 180 Epsilon f2.8 , Alt-5 Koch-FS2 Camera / Filter: ZWO ASI 6200 MM Pro Mono, Astrodon Ha,OIII ,RGB ca. 1,5 hours (sub 300sec Ha,OIII, 60sec RGB all 2bin )Date 18 August 2020 WR 134 is a variable Wolf-Rayet star located around 6,000 light years away from Earth in […]

Gallery, Nebulas

North America Nebula

Optik / Mount: 180 Epsilon f2.8 , Alt-5 Koch-FS2 Camera / Filter: ZWO ASI 6200 MM Pro Mono, Astrodon Ha,OIII ,SII ca. 4,6 hours (sub 600/300sec)Date 14 August 2020 The North America Nebula covers an area of more than four times the size of the full moon, but its surface brightness […]

Galaxies, Gallery

M63 Sunflower Galaxy

Optik / Mount: 12 ″ ACF 2,7 m AP-Reduzer Alt-5 Kamera / Filter: ZWO ASI 6200 MM Pro Mono, Astrodon L, RGB ca. 8,5 hours Date 18. Mai 2020 Messier 63 or M63, also known as Sunflower Galaxy, is a spiral galaxy in the northern constellation of Canes Venatici. The […]

Galaxies, Gallery

Hickson 44

Optik / Mount: 12 “ACF 2,7 m AP-Reduzer Alt-5 Kamera / Filter: Atik 11002 Astrodon L, RGB ca. 5 Stunden Datum 31. März 2020 About 60 million light-years away in the constellation Leo is this magnificent group of galaxies, number 44 in a catalog of 100 such clusters compiled by […]

Galaxies, Gallery


Optics/mount : 12″ACF 2.7m AP-Reduzer Alt-5Camera/filters: Atik 11002 Astrodon L, RGB  about 10hDate 28 march 2020 Messier 96 (also known as M96 or NGC 3368) is an intermediate spiral galaxy about 31 million light-years away in the constellation Leo (the Lion). It was discovered by French astronomer Pierre Méchain on […]

Galaxies, Gallery

NGC4565 Needle Galaxy

Optics/mount : 12″ACF 2.7m AP-Reduzer Alt-5Camera/filters: Atik 11002 Astrodon L, RGBExposure: 12 h with 5min subs all 1 binDate 20 march 2020 GC 4565 (also known as the Needle Galaxy or Caldwell 38) is an edge-on spiral galaxy about 30 to 50 million light-years away in the constellationComa Berenices. It […]

Gallery, Nebulas

Jellyfish Nebula

Here is the starless version.   Optics/mount : 12″ACF 2.7m AP-Reduzer Alt-5 Camera/filters: Atik 11002 Astrodon Ha,OIII,SII Exposure: 3x 15×300  all 2bin Date 23 february 2020 IC 443 (also known as the Jellyfish Nebula and Sharpless 248 (Sh2-248)) is a galactic supernova remnant (SNR) in the constellation Gemini. On the […]